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History Books

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Saga of Chief Joseph


Format Paperback Author Helen Addison Howard    Category Native American

Legends Told By The Old People


Format Paperback Author Adolf Hungrywolf    Category Native American



Format Hardcover Author Amity Shlaes    Category Presidents

Khrushchev Remembers


Format Hardcover Author Nikita Khrushchev    Category Russian History

Gipsy Moth Circles the World


Format Hardcover Author Francis Chichester    Category Sea History

Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter


Format Paperback Author Kate Larson    Category Presidents

Virtual History


Format Hardcover Author Niall Ferguson    Category World History

Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen


Format Hardcover Author Joyce Tyldesley    Category Ancient History

Cherokee Words With Pictures


Format Paperback Author Mary Chiltoskey    Category Native American

America B.C.


Format Paperback Author Barry Fell    Category Ancient History

Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times


Format Paperback Author W. Brands    Category Presidents