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Fair Blows the Wind

Author Louis L'Amour

Format Paperback

Publisher Bantam

Category Western Fiction

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Shipwrecked on the coast of North Carolina, his companions killed, Tatton Chantry is alone--and ready for action. In the old world he fought wars, skirmishes, duels. Now, in the wilderness of America, this swashbuckling hero takes up against pirates, Spanish fortune seekers, savage Indians. Aided by a beautiful Peruvian woman, he braves the fierce challenges of the New World--always, like a true Chantry, with his expert hand on the hilt on his faithful silver sword.


Louis L'Amour

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1982-01-01
  • Publisher: Bantam
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780553276299

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