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Daniel X: The Manga, Vol. 1

Author James Patterson

Format Paperback

Publisher Yen Press

Category Manga

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When his parents are murdered by an intergalactic criminal, Daniel X vows to take on his father's role as Earth's sole Alien Hunter. Life isn't easy, though, when you're a young boy on your own, tracking down the galaxy's deadliest outlaws. Luckily, Daniel has a gift: the ability to create anything he can imagine - including his parents, his sister, and his best friends, who are there to help him along the way. But when Daniel decides to go up against the sixth-deadliest criminal on his hit list, he may find that even his awesome abilities just aren't up to the task!


James Patterson

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-10-26
  • Publisher: Yen Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780316077644

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