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Ramage & the Saracens (Lord Ramage #17)


Author Dudley Pope

Format Paperback

Publisher McBooks Press

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

Ordered to Naples after the battle of Trafalgar, Ramage and the Calypso are given fresh orders. The Barbary Coast pirates—the Saracens—are active in Sicily again, and terrorizing fishing ports. Ramage and his crew are sent to Sicily to track done the Saracins before they can attack another town.


Dudley Pope

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-09-01
  • Publisher: McBooks Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781590130230
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
749739 Very Good Warehouse 57-19-1 $7.49 Add to Cart