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Ramage at Trafalgar (Lord Ramage #16)


Author Dudley Pope

Format Paperback

Publisher McBooks Press

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

Ramage, finally reunited with his beloved Sarah, hopes to spend at least a few quiet weeks with her. Instead, Ramage is summoned by Admiral Nelson himself and sent to join the British fleet in blockade duty off Cadiz. His orders: to join Nelson?s fleet blockading the combined French and Spanish navies in the port of Cadiz. However, Nelson does not plan on merely sitting idly by, blockading the enemy?s fleet. He intends to confront it head-on in the biggest naval battle the world has ever seen . . .


Dudley Pope

Additional Info

  • Publisher: McBooks Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781590130223
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2994706 Very Good Warehouse 57-19-1 $7.99 Add to Cart