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Stickman Odyssey, Book 2: The Wrath of Zozimos

Author Christopher Ford

Format Hardcover

Publisher Philomel

Category Graphic Novels

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Greek tragedy has never been so funnyZozimos' journey to the kingdom of Sticatha has been anything but smooth. He's survived enslavement, battled golems and a ravenous Cyclops, and generally served as plaything to gods and goddesses looking for a good laugh. All for the sake of reclaiming the Sticathan royal throne--stolen from him by an evil witch, aka his stepmother.You'd think that a stickman would catch a break after all that, but you'd be wrong. Arriving home only brings crazy family members and a return trip to sea, where mercenary centaurs and giant boar gods keep Zozimos questing and readers laughing. It would all be an epic tragedy if it wasn't so funny.


Christopher Ford

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-05-10
  • Publisher: Philomel
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780399254277

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