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Gravitation, Vol. 10

Author Maki Murakami

Format Paperback

Publisher TokyoPop

Category Manga

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Shuichi returns to Japan and to his surprise, Eiri has come to greet him at the airport. Shuichi reveals that he just wants Eiri to open up to him. Hearing this, Eiri offers to say "I love you"...if Shuichi agrees to pay him every time he says it. Although Eiri is joking, Shuichi is dead serious about raising the money to hear those precious words. However, Eiri says something else that will leave Shuichi so shocked he will be unable to sing!


Maki Murakami

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-02-08
  • Publisher: TokyoPop
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781591823421

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