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American Vampire Vol. 1

Author Scott Snyder

Format Paperback

Publisher Vertigo

Category Graphic Novels

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This volume follows two stories: one written by Snyder and one written by King. Snyder's story is set in 1920's LA, we follow Pearl, a young woman who is turned into a vampire and sets out on a path of righteous revenge against the European Vampires who tortured and abused her. This story is paired with King's story, a western about Skinner Sweet, the original American Vampire-- a stronger, faster creature than any vampire ever seen before with rattlesnake fangs and powered by the sun.From the Hardcover edition.


Scott Snyder

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-10-11
  • Publisher: Vertigo
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401229740

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