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Full Moon O Sagashite, Vol. 3

Author Arina Tanemura

Format Paperback

Publisher VIZ Media LLC

Category Manga

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A bittersweet tale of puppy love, tragedy, and aspirations of pop-star fame. A spark of hope ignites to a blaze in twelve-year-old Mitsuki Koyama's life when a comical pair of magical beings appears to prove to her that dreams really do come true. Young Mitsuki loves singing and dreams of becoming a pop star. Unfortunately, a malignant tumor in her throat prevents her from pursuing her passion. However, her life turns around when two surprisingly fun-loving harbingers of death appear to grant Mitsuki a temporary reprieve from her illness and give her singing career a magical push start.


Arina Tanemura

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-10-04
  • Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781421500591

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