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Predators and Prey (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, Vol. 5)

Author Joss Whedon

Format Paperback

Publisher Dark Horse Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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Buffy's world goes awry when former-classmate-turned-vampire Harmony Kendall lands her own reality TV show, "Harmony Bites," bolstering bloodsucking fiends in the mainstream. Humans line up to have their blood consumed, and Slayers, through a series of missteps, misfortunes, and anti-Slayer propaganda driven by the mysterious Twilight, are forced into hiding. In Germany, Faith and Giles discover a town where Slayers retreat from a world that has turned against them, only to find themselves in the arms of something far worse. A rogue-Slayer faction displaces an entire Italian village, living up to their tarnished reputation as power-hungry thieves. And finally, with the help of a would-be demon lover, Dawn addresses her unfaltering insecurities.


Joss Whedon

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781595823427

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