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Those Who Hunt Elves Volume 2

Author Yu Yagami

Format Paperback

Publisher ADV Manga

Category Manga

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Another slam-bang rollicking adventure for those scrappy Elf Hunters! Junpei, Airi, Ritsuko, and Celcia along with Mike, and (of all things!!) a fully functional Japanese Self-Defense Force Type 74 Battle Tank, continue their quest to find the wily Elves who stand out because the fragments of the restoration spell are tattooed onto their skin. In one small village, Junpei encounters a super-powered karate strongman who has a special kicking technique with out-of-this-world strength. Where does he get his super power? Can Junpei find out in time to survive these savage kicks? Our adventurous searchers later come to a field filled with strange plants, and what do they turn out to be? Another kind of Elf!!! Holy catfish! Sweet suffering succotash! Can they find the missing magic spell fragments among these strange Elves? In another wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am episode, Celcia finds herself a job through an old friend from school, but this leads her to into a huge mess!! The hilarious action filled adventure of the Elf Hunters is back and better than ever!


Yu Yagami

Additional Info

  • Publisher: ADV Manga
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781413900156

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