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Shaman King, Vol. 15 (v. 15)

Author Hiroyuki Takei

Format Paperback

Publisher VIZ Media LLC

Category Manga

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Yoh, Faust, and Ryu unveil their new and formidable Over Souls as they square off against the Icemen. Meanwhile, Manta, still in shock over the brutal death of the Niles, is anxious for Yoh's safety against the bone-chilling Shaman team who, having battled the coldest forces of nature in northern Europe, are confident that they can overtake Team Funbari with ease.


Hiroyuki Takei

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2008-03-04
  • Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781421516578

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