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Martha Speaks: A Pup's Tale (Chapter Book)

Author Susan Meddaugh

Format Paperback

Publisher HMH Books for Young Readers

Category Jr. Series

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At long last here is the story of how Martha and Helen met, as told by Martha in her own words. Her puppy days included some dark times as a doggy criminal after she was adopted by a sneaky thief and her accomplice. After a series of criminal mishaps and general mayhem, Martha finds herself in police custody and, luckily, back at the shelter, where she is readopted by Helen. The rest is Martha Speaks history! Includes an introduction to the cast of characters, a glossary, and two entertaining word-challenge activities.


Susan Meddaugh

Additional Info

  • Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780547210773

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