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Martha Speaks: Shelter Dog Blues (Chapter Book)

Author Susan Meddaugh

Format Paperback

Publisher HMH Books for Young Readers

Category Jr. Series

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Martha has lost her collar and ended up at the local animal shelter. It falls to her to organize a pound break for all her new doggy friends but she soon discovers freedom isn't much without a family. When Martha's owner finally comes to take her home, she realizes that she can't leave her shelter friends behind. Martha, Helen, and her friends cook up a spectacular plan--Wagstaff's first Top Dog Show--to find families for all of the pound pooches! The book will include a cast of characters introduction and two pages of word-fun activities.


Susan Meddaugh

Additional Info

  • Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780547210506

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