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Cable and X-Force, Vol. 1: Wanted

Author Dennis Hopeless

Format Paperback

Publisher Marvel

Category Graphic Novels

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Cable is back! NOW!, with a new X-Force at his side, he must tackle the threats that nobody else can know about - even if it makes him and his team public enemy number one. Just who are Cable's new recruits? Where has Colossus been post-AV X, and what is wrong with his powers? And most importantly, why are Cable and his team attacking a civilian company? Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrorist attack on a major American corporation whose CEO has expressed anti-mutant views, the X-Force find themselves branded criminals and on the run...with none other than the Uncanny Avengers in hot pursuit. There's no going back from here... COLLECTING: Cable and X-Force 1-5, Marvel Now! Point One (X-Force story)


Dennis Hopeless

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2013-05-14
  • Publisher: Marvel
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780785166900

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