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New Avengers, Vol. 1: Breakout

Author Brian Bendis

Format Hardcover

Publisher Marvel Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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In the wake of the systematic destruction of the original Avengers, just what sort of threat to the world could persuade Captain America to assemble an all-new team? And following the events of Avengers Disassembled, who could possibly be on this team? How does Cap, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wolverine sound? Fate has brought them together, and now Captain America wants to make it permanent. Who will take his hand and join the new Avengers? And will they be strong enough to fight the mysterious forces at play around them? Collects New Avengers #1-6.


Brian Bendis

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Marvel Comics
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785118145

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