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The Chronicles of Conan, Vol. 10: When Giants Walk the Earth and Other Stories (v. 10)

Author Roy Thomas

Format Paperback

Publisher Dark Horse Books

Category Graphic Novels

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Treading the long and winding path toward his eventual monarchy, Conan becomes witness to the corruption and devastation of many a fantastic kingdom along the way. Not the least of which being the marvelous, and equally dangerous, lands of Harakht - home to the fearsome Hawk-Riders and their enormous avian beasts. Despite the overwhelming odds and the presence of a mysterious, earthbound space rock, it will take more than a flock of giant and savage birds to strike fear in the Barbarian's heart. With his lover B�lit - the Queen of the Black Coast - at his side, no threats, terrestrial or otherwise, will prevent Conan from fulfilling his destiny.


Roy Thomas

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-03-21
  • Publisher: Dark Horse Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781593074906

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