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Marvel 1602: New World / Fantastick Four

Author Peter David

Format Hardcover

Publisher Marvel

Category Graphic Novels

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Return to the world of 1602! Rising stars Greg Pak (X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong) and Greg Tocchini (Thor: Son of Asgard) pick up where the best-selling story by Neil Gaiman left off: America, the New World! When Captain America was thrust back in time, it changed reality as we know it. Dinosaurs still roam the earth, and the Marvel super heroes we know came to exist 500 years early. Witness David Bruce Banner and Peter Parquagh become the Hulk and Spider-Man in the most eagerly-awaited event of the year! Collects Marvel 1602: New World #1-5, and Marvel 1602: Fantastick Four #1-5.


Peter David

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Marvel
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785141365

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