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Blackest Night Black Lantern Corps TP Vol 02

Author Geoff Johns

Format Paperback

Publisher DC Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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Writers Geoff Johns, James Robinson and Greg Rucka are joined by artists Scott Kolins, Eddy Barrows and Nicola Scott for this essential BLACKEST NIGHT storyline tie-in title that features The Flash, Wonder Woman and the Justice Society of America dealing with their greatest villains and loved ones returning from the dead as evil Black Lanterns. The hardcover edition includes Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #'s 1-3, Blackest Night: JSA #'s 1-3 and Blackest Night: Flash # 's 1-3.


Geoff Johns

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-07-26
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401228033

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