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Green Arrow Vol. 1: The Midas Touch (The New 52)

Author Krul

Format Paperback

Publisher DC Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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The Emerald Archer returns, relaunched for a new generation of readers! The masked vigilante Green Arrow is used to looking for trouble, but now trouble's come looking for him! Enter Rush and his gang of thrill-seeking trust fund babies, buying their super powers and treating the world as their playground. Along with their rotting man-monster Midas and the assassin Blood Rose, Rush plans to kill a super hero live on the Internet. Even with his cutting-edge weapons and tech from Q-Core, the odds are stacked against Green Arrow! From Dan Jurgens (Superman), J.T. Krul (Captain Atom), Keith Giffen (O.M.A.C.) and George Perez (Worlds' Finest), this latest chapter of Green Arrow is a can't-miss event!



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-06-05
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401234867

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