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The SBL Handbook of Style: For Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies

Author Patrick Alexander

Format Hardcover

Publisher Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.

Category Writing

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"The SBL Handbook of Style is an astonishing book, a true 'one-stop' reference for authors preparing manuscripts in biblical studies and related fields. It covers an amazing range of topics, from what every literate scholar should know (but may not) to what only the most erudite expert in an obscure sub-field of the discipline would be likely to know. Do you need to know how to cite an internet publication? Whose job it is to prepare the index and secure permissions? How to alphabetize Abraham ibn Ezra (and why)? What the abbreviation AAeg stands for? It's all here. This volume should substantially reduce the incidence of tears and tantrums that so often beset the process of manuscript preparation. Before long biblical scholars will wonder how we ever got along without this indispensable reference work. Every graduate program should make The SBL Handbook of Style a required text."-Carol A. Newsom, Professor of Old Testament, Emory University" . . . A major service for the community of biblical scholars. This comprehensive but handy stylesheet, building on the base of the SBL guidelines, incorporates all that most authors and editors currently need to know about the technical dimensions of publishing activity, from commas and hyphens to abbreviations, from transliterations to forms of annotation. All that's left to authors is to come up with good ideas. All editors have to do is to learn what is here."-Harold W. Attridge, Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament, Yale Divinity School


Patrick Alexander

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781565634879

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