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Batman Noir: Eduardo Risso: The Deluxe Edition

Author Brian Azzarello

Format Hardcover

Publisher DC Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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BATMAN NOIR: EDUARDO RISSO spotlights the art of 100 BULLETS illustrator Eduardo Risso, which casts the Dark Knight in deep shadow on every page. With stories written by his frequent collaborator, Brian Azzarello, this title includes tales from a variety of Batman projects. The centerpiece of the book, a six-issue run of BATMAN called "Broken City," presents a profound examination of the Dark Knight Detective and the grim metropolis that he protects. While hunting the murderer of a small boy's parents, Batman is caught up in his own investigation and ruminations, only to fall prey to a deadly new pair of killers who have been stalking him.Collects BATMAN #620-625, FLASHPOINT: BATMAN - KNIGHT OF VENGEANCE #1-3 and stories from WEDNESDAY COMICS #1-12 and BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #8.


Brian Azzarello

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2013-06-04
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781401238902

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