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Strangers In Paradise Pocket Book 2 (Strangers in Paradise (Graphic Novels)) (Bk. 2)

Author Terry Moore

Format Paperback

Publisher Abstract Studio

Category Graphic Literature

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The second Strangers In Paradise pocket book finds Katchoo following David to California where she comes face to face with Darcy Parker. When Darcy makes Katchoo an offer she can't refuse, Katchoo transforms from prey to predator and begins to spin a web of her own. This book features 5-pages of Jim Lee art to open the story, hero-style! Also included is the most popular Strangers in Paradise short story ever -- the Xena parody, "Warrior Princess."


Terry Moore

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-10-06
  • Publisher: Abstract Studio
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781892597298

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