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Justice League International Vol. 2: Breakdown (The New 52)

Author Dan Jurgens

Format Paperback

Publisher DC Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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Trying to collect themselves after an extra-terrestrial attack and death of a teammate, members of Justice League International expected to bask in glory and appreciation. However, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner, Batman and company are learning that's not the case as a new threat, one far more dangerous than anyone dared suspect. Called Breakdown, he emerges and attacks with dire results, forever altering the team and sending it in a bold, new and unexpected direction! This graphic novel collection contains issues 7-12 and is the final volume of Justice League International, from DC Comics�The New 52.


Dan Jurgens

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2013-01-08
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401237936

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