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Author Elmer Kelton

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Forge Books

Category Western Fiction

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Rancher Blair Bishop of Two Forks, Texas, has too many enemies . . . and they are closing in on him. Macy Modock, whom Bishop sent to prison ten years ago, is out of the hoosegow. Modock is returning to Two Forks along with his sidekick, who is known to be a mean gunman. Also arrayed against Bishop is rival cowman Clarence Cass, who is running his animals on Bishop�s land.Complicating matters, Cass�s daughter, Jessie, and Bishop�s son, Allan, are in love.Macy Modock, determined to get even with the man who sent him to prison, schemes with Cass to ruin Bishop. The black-hearted pair lay claim to untitled lands Bishop uses to graze his cattle � a plan that leads to a deadly confrontation in which two men will die.


Elmer Kelton

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-06-02
  • Publisher: Forge Books
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780765348968

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