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The Unwritten Vol. 4: Leviathan

Author Mike Carey

Format Paperback

Publisher Vertigo

Category Graphic Novels

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This fourth volume in the acclaimed series sends Tommy Taylor into the world of Moby-Dick!After the shocking return of Tommy�s father, best-selling fantasy author Wilson Taylor, the mysterious Cabal audition a new assassin and Tom seeks out �the source.� The source of what? He�s not really sure, but it looks like a whale, and apparently it can be found in the Nantucket farmhouse where Moby-Dick was written. What he finds is a path into a whole different ocean, with more trouble (and more whales) than he could possibly imagine.


Mike Carey

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-10-25
  • Publisher: Vertigo
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401232924

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