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How To Draw Manga: Ultimate Manga Lessons Volume 1: Drawing Made Easy (How to Draw Manga (Graphic-Sha Numbered))

Author Go Office

Format Paperback

Publisher Graphic-Sha

Category Manga

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The foundation for drawing manga begins with the artist copying the works of an admired manga artist. The artist learns the traits of the characters' faces and figures while replicating the eyes, the mouth, and other features and recreating the overall images projected. The first chapter of this volume painstakingly explains the artistic development process beginning with copying professional artists' work to the point where the beginning artist is able to produce his or her own original manga. The second chapter covers the basics of a character's face and body, as well as portraying backgrounds. Chapter Three demonstrates how characters from professional manga artists' work are portrayed.


Go Office

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Graphic-Sha
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9784766115246

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