In the aftermath of the Secret Invasion, Black Bolt has led the Inhumans on a shockingly savage path to restore their strength and security. But that path has brought them into direct confrontation with the Shi'Ar Empire - and their mad ruler Vulcan! Who will get in the first strike? Who will fall on the bloody battlefield? Who will rule? The Imperial Guard, the Starjammers, the Inhuman Royal Family, and more of your favorite sci-fi characters are locked on a collision course. Join the acclaimed team of Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (Nova) and Paul Pelletier (Guardians of the Galaxy) for a pivotal turning point in Marvel's cosmic history! Collects War of Kings #1-6.
Dan Abnett
Additional Info
- Publisher: Marvel
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9780785135425
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