Welcome to the madcap universe of Tenchi Muyo, where humans and cutie-pie aliens gather to make friends, do a little flirting, and battle evildoers from outer space. The cast of this acclaimed satirical series includes Tenchi, the hapless half-alien hero; Ryoko, superpowered ex-space pirate turned good; Ayeka, prim and proper princess of planet Jurai, and her little sister, Sasami; Washu, the 20,000-year-old greatest genius in the universe; and Mihoshi, a space cop with a badge, a gun, and two left feet. Collecting the first five issues of the monthly comic book in one volume, The All-New Tenchi Muyo! graphic novel is a great place to hang with Tenchi and his adorable gang of otherworldly roommates!
Hitoshi Okuda
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2003-03
- Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9781569318256
- UPC: 782009111337
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