The manga series tie-in to the newest generation of the Pokémon collection! Set in the country Sinnoh, the story follows the adventures of Hareta, a young boy raised in the wild with Pokémon. Recruited by Prof. Rowan, he decides to become a Pokémon trainer after catching his first tame one, Piplup. He and the Professor's assistant, Mitsumi, set off on a quest to find Dialga, one of the three "Legendary" Pokémon, which is rumored to be able to control time. But Team Galactic, lead by villainous Cyrus, is hunting for Dialga too.
Shigekatsu Ihara
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2008-04-01
- Publisher: VIZ Media LLC
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9781421522869
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