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The elements of grammar: The essential guide to refining and improving grammar

Author Margaret Shertzer

Format Hardcover

Publisher Barnes & Noble Books

Category Writing

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From the Publisher The Elements of Grammar unsure about when to use a semicolon, how to spell a foreign phrase, or whether to capitalize a military title? Relax. Help is on the way. In the tradition of Strunk and White's classic The Elements of Style now comes The Elements of Grammar, a clear and concise guide to correcting and improving all aspects of grammar and usage. You'll learn about all of the grammar fundamentals, including: Parts of Speech Capitalization Punctuation Spelling and Pronunciation Frequently Confused Words Foreign Words and Phrases Plus, you'll find out more about: Number Expression Signs and Symbols Dictionary Use


Margaret Shertzer

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001
  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780760726013

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