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The Goon: My Murderous Childhood (and Other Grievous Yarns) Vol. 2

Author Eric Powell

Format Paperback

Publisher Dark Horse

Category Graphic Novels

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The Goon and Franky have been best friends ever since they was tykes. Find out how the two little ankle-biters became best pals and how they muscled their way into the rackets of big-time crime-boss, Labrazio - who, incidentally, nobody's seen in a while. This trip down memory lane ain't gonna be no joyride, neither. Franky and the Goon are going to have to take on a horde of zombies, an army of hoboes, a couple of grave robbin' freaks, a guy with a gold head and his killer robot, a pie-crazed skunk ape, one homely, man-crazy sea hag, and a whole lot of other things that smell just as bad, if not worse. Pick up a copy, because those uptown rich people may have the cops and their G-men, but down here all we got is the Goon!


Eric Powell

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-05-18
  • Publisher: Dark Horse
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781593071097

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