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52, Vol. 1

Author Geoff Johns

Format Paperback

Publisher DC Comics

Category Graphic Novels

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After the INFINITE CRISIS, the DC Universe spent a year without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman -- a year in which those heroes were needed more than ever as the fate of the world hung in the balance. This is 52, a four volume collection of the unprecedented, critically acclaimed weekly series of death, danger, romance, terror and the never-ending search for heroism in the DC Universe's most eventful year ever. The series features the best and brightest writers from the comic-book field: Geoff Johns (INFINITE CRISIS), Grant Morrison (ALL STAR SUPERMAN), Greg Rucka (WONDER WOMAN) and Mark Waid (KINGDOM COME), working together to tell the tale of a world awakening from a nightmare to face a new day. With their leaders gone, which heroes will stand tall? Who will fail at the most critical moment? Who will live -- and who will die?


Geoff Johns

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-05-02
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781401213534

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