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The Stuff of Legend, Book 1: The Dark

Author Mike Raicht

Format Paperback

Publisher Villard

Category Graphic Literature

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The year is 1944. As Allied forces fight the enemy on Europe’s war-torn beaches, another battle begins in a child’s bedroom in Brooklyn. When the nightmarish Boogeyman snatches a boy and takes him to the realm of the Dark, the child’s playthings, led by the toy soldier known as the Colonel, band together to stage a daring rescue. On their perilous mission they will confront the boy’s bitter and forgotten toys, as well as betrayal in their own ranks. Can they save the boy from the forces of evil, or will they all perish in the process? The Stuff of Legend is a haunting and ultimately redemptive tale of loyalty, camaraderie, and perseverance.This edition includes a brand-new story featuring the Colonel’s war journal, maps, sketches, and other original material!


Mike Raicht

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-04-27
  • Publisher: Villard
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780345521002

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