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Movies with Bruce Bruce

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Over the Hedge


Format Widescreen Actor Allison Janney    Category Family and Kids

One Little Indian


Format Widescreen Actor James Garner    Category Family and Kids

Tao of Jeet Kune Do: New Expanded Edition


Format Paperback Author Bruce Lee    Category Martial Arts

Star Trek [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Chris Pine    Category Sci-Fi Blu-Ray



Format Blu-ray Actor Denzel Washington    Category Drama Blu-Ray

The Big Band Years


Format Hardcover Author Bruce Crowther    Category Jazz

The Jackal [Blu-ray]


Format Widerscreen Actor Bruce Willis    Category Action Blu-Ray



Format Widescreen Actor Bruce Willis    Category Action Blu-Ray

NIV Youthwalk Devotional Bible


Format Hardcover Author Bruce Wilkinson    Category Bible



author Roy Lewicki    Category Business

Red Blu-ray


Format Blu-ray Actor Bruce Willis    Category Action Blu-Ray

The Swiss Reformation


Format Paperback Author Bruce Gordon    Category Reformation

X-men [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Halle Berry    Category Superhero Blu-Ray

Star Trek Into Darkness


Format Blu-ray Actor Chris Pine    Category Sci-Fi Blu-Ray



   Category Sci-Fi