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The First 100 Days: A Pastor's Guide


Author Scott Daniels

Format Hardcover

Publisher Beacon Hill Press

Category Pastoring

Every time a pastor goes to a new church, they form hopes, dreams, and expectations without necessarily realizing it for the progress and growth of their new ministry. Not only do these pastors have to transition into a new congregation and community, but they also have to think about building strong relationships with other influential people in the area. Almost every day, pastors of new churches face unexpected hardships and challenges. Some of the issues are financial mismanagement from their predecessor, moral or ethical misbehavior, or unresolved conflict that has just been suppressed long enough to find a new pastor. The fact is, pastors of new churches need guidance. The First 100 Days is for these pastors who need some guidance and insight to help them lead with godly wisdom and purpose during the first few months.


Scott Daniels

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Beacon Hill Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780834125544
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3732500 Very Good Fern Park 11-25-2 $7.99 Add to Cart