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History Books

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Lincoln on Race and Slavery


Format Hardcover    Category Presidents

A People's History of Quebec


Format Paperback Author Jacques Lacoursire    Category World History

Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh


Format Hardcover Author Joyce Tyldesley    Category Ancient History

The Secrets of the Freemasons


Format Hardcover Author Michael Bradley    Category Secret Societies

Fetish Carvers of Zuni


Format Paperback Author Marian Rodee    Category Native American

Sibir - Revised


Format Paperback Author Farley Mowat    Category Russian History

Historic Photos of Jacksonville


Format Download: Adobe Reader Author Carolyn Williams    Category Florida History

A Short History of the World


Format Paperback Author Geoffrey Blainey    Category World History

Inside the Vatican


Format Hardcover Author Bart McDowell    Category Italian History

The Queen: Her Life


Format Hardcover Author Andrew Morton    Category English History

Dancing Wheel Psycho Types


Format Paperback Author Mary Loomis    Category Native American

Asian Reader


Format Paperback Author Ed Frame    Category Asian History