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Author Carrie Fisher

Format Paperback

Publisher Simon & Schuster

Category Celebrity Biography

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�Fisher is a girl who knows how to tell a story�she can make us laugh, she can make us cringe, but she can also teach us a great deal about the power of forgiveness� (People, 4 stars).It was a roller coaster of a few years for Carrie since her Tony Award- and Emmy Award-nominated, one-woman Broadway show and New York Times bestselling book Wishful Drinking. She not only lost her beloved father, but also her once-upon-a-very-brief-time stepmother, Elizabeth Taylor. And as if that weren�t enough, she managed to lose over forty pounds of unwanted flesh�not by sawing off a leg (though that did cross her electrifying mind) but by doing what might be termed �wishful shrinking,� while staying sober and sane-ish. Why? Because she wants you to be able to remind her about how Elizabeth Taylor settles a score and the scatological wonders of shoe tycoons. She doesn�t want to forget about how she and Michael Jackson became friends or how she ended up squaring off with not just a senator, but the Senator Ted Kennedy on a date. And she especially wants to preserve her memories of her dad Eddie Fisher�what their relationship was really like and�for all its apparently unconventional aspects�how they were just another father and daughter (her father acting as her daughter and Carrie acting as her beloved father�s dad). In the end, family is family, blood is thicker than the strippers she sent him, and what she�ll never forget is the tender affection she felt for her father who she wholeheartedly forgave and loved.


Carrie Fisher

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2012-11-13
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780743264839

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