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The Ultimates 2, Vol. 1: Gods and Monsters

Author Mark Millar

Format Paperback

Publisher Marvel

Category Graphic Novels

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It's been one year since they stopped an alien invasion, and now things get hard. New members, new costumes, and 12 months of gossip to catch up on! Who's getting married? Who's divorced? Who's gone nuts since we last saw them? Why, just in this first story, we see Ultimate Hulk and the secret origin of Ultimate Thor, and get a look at the entire Ultimate Universe as drawn by Bryan Hitch! It's guest-stars galore - featuring the X-Men, Daredevil, Captain Britain, and even the Defenders! Collects The Ultimates 2 #1-6.


Mark Millar

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-09-20
  • Publisher: Marvel
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780785110934

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